Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Millies Last Valentine

We were sitting at the table my father and I conversing at the oak table as we had many times before, but this time was different.

My mother Millie had passed away suddenly in September 2012 since family expenses were going towards the Memorial service we could not afford autopsy to see that she passed away in the hallway of our family home.

You have to know that she had battled and won the battle of breast cancer for 10 years in remission, they had taken the port in her shoulder where she had received Chemon.

Dad a year later in 2013 was moving the refrigerator away from the stove and found a letter in my mother's well known handwriting that she knew he would eventually found this letter and she over 60 years plus of marriage had fallen more deeply in love. She said that when she went back for checkup with doctor that cancer had come back and maybe have only less than 5 years to live. She did not want to let anyone know because she did not want to be treated differently. She hoped Dad would forgive her for not letting anyone know but she loved Dad with all her heart and soul with "Love Millie" at the end.

When he told me both of us had tears in our eyes. My mother got the last word and it was wonderfully loving and considerate Valentine.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Beginning, the Foundation and the Elation

It is important in the competitive business and personal world we live in is to "Invest in Yourself" predisposition and make your Best Presentation.  You will be judged even though we are taught not to "judge a book by its cover", but human nature always comes into play.  There are so many examples from magazine covers of "starlets" who are found by paparazzi without their makeup and they are not pleasant to the eye, however, they have invested in themselves both in fashion and makeup. 

The earliest "Stylation" in History was the "Queen of Sheba" of course, some of us have seen the mega starlet in the early film and how stunning she was but she was not only beautiful, but handled the business of a whole nation.  There are a number of women in history that did not have downbeat lives, but were exemplary to their business and made history absolutely interesting.

Whether you tend to be:
    •  Excitable, life of the party, creative or dramatic.  You prefer to in the company of friends and the "spotlight" and only sometimes or rarely left alone to reflect on life. The passion and the aggressive excitement in your relationships whether romantic or not, and require in a relationship to be the attention getter type. 
    • Devoted, conscientious, highly respectful and conservative in physical  appearance. There are high standards for what you believe is right and wrong. Your dress or fashion is an extension of your integrity in the actions you are portraying. You are extreme sensitive of others’ feelings.
    • Competitive and enjoy accomplishing volumes of activity in your life; no victory is so precious to you more than jewels without a little "getting your hands dirty" work. You are defining what it means to be competent and  are not only ambitious in love, but in work,  inyour time and money. These blessings  are not taken for granted. The captivating personality and inner plus outer beauty makes you a shining star in social circles you evolve in and through. 
    • Passionate, a lover of life, dramatic and a "flirt" – thriving on the "ambiance" of the moment. Since you "throw your chips in" to everything that you do, you tendency to over-committed, starting new projects and forget the old ones. You are so easily bored by relationships and thrive on new and exciting new journeys.
    • Okay, check it out--list maker, a super ambitious and confident but a bit of a skeptic about life. This  realist part of you is the one who always preparing for the future.  The insatious need of a solid plan to gives you the "security blanket" you crave. While either your stubbornness or tenacity or perserverance is a great business asset it equals up to an element to challenge your relationships. The loyal finesse, honest to a fault and extremely dependable side of you create lifetime friendships and close family circles.
    • Balance is your "middle name" with a "saucy" mixture of charm and practicality. You are the outgoing one and constantly engaging in social situations from blogging, texting, conversing whether it is in the media in the business world you are accused of being the aggressive one which makes you goal-oriented. Please cater to me is your "motto", and you definitely know how to appreciate the finer things in life. This makes very sensitive to minor situations that might have been innocently overlooked and are nutured and respond to encouragement like "water to a plant" rather than "crusty" criticism.
    • The constant thought provoking into logic type of person the one who carefully and intensively looks at  each option before making final decisions. Though you are more desiring to be a follower than wanting to be leader, you find contentment and effective working behind the scenes and not wanting to be a limelight. You tend to be characterized as shy and keep reserved in nature. You re not into "love at first sight" and once you are in a committed relationship, you are super loyal and super support to the one(s) you love family, friends and personal relationships.
    • The colorful audacious risk taker whose "life is drama and drama is life"  relies more on intuition than logic. Emotionally passionate about expressing yourself and idealistic person who tends to set lofty goals for yourself, push yourself to meet goals and exceed those. You are always moving the finish line and redesigning yourself. Romantically face front, your tendency conveniently relishes and wants to rely upon secure relationships that  emotionally give you that "kick" for the ongoing needs in working toward future objectives.
      The fact that we are all unique complex "canvasses of life" which artfully going through life bringing color, highlights, ambiances of light and dark to bring out the BEST in LIFE.   Invest in yourself, your PRESENTATION, your FIRST IMPRESSION is sometimes the only one you get in certain scenerios.  The beginning, the foundation and the elation of "embracing" who you are, putting negativity at bay and "embracing" the elation of Loving Yourself first and then You can love others better.   Be Better not Bitter.  Be Happy not feeling Horrible about YOU! Live and Pursue Happiness in the purest forms!

Four Generations of Beauty....